Dirtybyrds' dirty stout
Source: shane byrd
Recipe added: 09/25/01
Email: sbyrd29@home.com
i felt an overwhelming need that i'm sure most homebrewers feel every so often.the need to brew a beer that has the same coloring and consistancy of used motor oil, not the most pleasant way to describe this amazing addition to the racks of my home brewery but the rich smooth taste of this heavy black stout will defy contempery describcion. i know the choice of yeast seems strange but who ever said home brewing was about limitation?
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: -
Finishing Gravity: -
Time in Boil: 60 min.
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 3 weeks
Additional Fermentation: 1 month bottl conditioning
- 6.6 lbs dark LME
- 1/2 lbs 120* cyrstal malt
- 1/2 lbs black patent malt
- 1/2 lbs roasted barley
- 1 lbs clover honey
- 8 tsp gypsum
- 2 oz target hops AA 11.0%
- 1 0zwillamette hops 4.8% AA
- white labs german kolsch yeast
place grains in muslin bags and add to 2 gallons of cold water bring to a boil. allow boil to commence for 20 minutes then remove grains.at this time add malt extracts gypsum and target hops boil for 30 minutes.after 30 minutes add the honey at the last 10 minutes of the boil add the willamette hops. cool wort as per your proceedure dilute to five gallons and pitch yeast when the temperture reaches 70 degrees F
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