Uptha Kriek
Source: Jim Hoffman
Recipe added: 03/10/02
Email: Hoffmania88@cs.com
This stuff never really actively fermented. I was very disappointed until I took a taste before bottling. Very cherry! Very dry. It has been in bottles now for 3 months and the taste is growing on me. It still has that "cherry pie-filling" flavor, but it's good. If you like cherries, you'll love this brew. It probably weighs in at 8% abv.
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 6 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.065
Finishing Gravity: 1.009
Time in Boil: 1 hour
Primary Fermentation: 4 weeks!
Secondary Fermentation: 4 weeks
- 5 pounds Pale ME
- 3/4 cup corn sugar
- 1 pound brown sugar
- 1 pound honey
- 1/3 cup Belgian aromatic malt
- 1/3 cup Belg. Pilsen Malt
- 1/3 cup US crystal
- 1/4 tsp cinnemon
- 1/2 of the peel from 1 nectarine
- Hops:
- 3/4 oz Yakima Magnum (16.2% alpha)- Boil
- 1 oz Kent Goldings - Finish
- Other stuff:
- 1 tbl Gypsum
- 1 tsp Irish Moss
- 2 campden tab's (crushed with cherries)
- 3 pounds tart Michigan cherries (added after removal from heat and allowed to sit for 20 min to Pasteurize)
- Yeast - Belgian Trappist Ale Yeast (White Labs), Dry Champaign Yeast.
Add crushed grains to cold h2o and bring to near boil. Add extract & other stuff. Chop frozen, whole cherries in blender and add to hot wort. After primary fermentation, add second dose (Same procedure and amount) of cherries. Racking schedule:
Primary - one week. Pitched Trappist ale yeast
Secondary - three weeks - Pitched trappist ale yeast again
third racking - 4 weeks - pitched chanpaign yeast
Primed with 3/4 cup priming sugar & ascorbic acid.
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