pilgrims grog
Source: parsons wayneright
Recipe added: 10/27/03
Email: parsons wayneright
URL: parsons wayneright
Wanted a fall beer to go past octoberfest season and celebrate all of fall ending with thanksgiving. Plenty of octoberfests and pumpkin ales around. This one is different and as bitter as a liberal democrat after the 200 presidential election i .e. Al Gore
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 6 days at 64*F
Secondary Fermentation: 5days@64*F
Additional Fermentation: none
- 3 lbs light unhopped extract
- 1 lb black patent cracked
- 1 lb muntons extra dark DME
- 2 oz chinnok hop pellets 12% alpha most at 6o minutes
- 2 oz kent goldings hop pellets 30 and 15 minutes
- trace amounts: nutmeg, allspice, coriander,cloves
- 1 1/2 oz sweet orange peel
- 1 1/2 oz cinnamon sticks
- 5 oz black strap molasses
- windsor brwewers yeast
boil for 1 hour adding the hops at varying intervals. Spices and herbs added at 30 minutes in the boil.
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