Recipe added: 02/04/04
Email: mleepin@hotmail.com

good drinkin after a week or 2 but will age well if it lasts... easy drinkin stout nice aroma not too hoppy/bitter could try more hops if your taste is that way inclined, terveseks! let me know how it goes...


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: ?
Finishing Gravity: ?
Time in Boil: 1 hr
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 1 week
Additional Fermentation: bottle cond at least 2 weeks



boil 2 gallons of water take water off heat steep grains / oats for 45 mins remove grains oats bring water back to boil add 1/2 oz of fuggles & extracts & honey add 1/2 oz fuggles in last 10 mins / at 50 mins take wort off heat at 60 mins & cool asap, add to 3 gallons of cooled boiled water in fermenter with COFFEE! pitch ale yeast at sutiable temp ie 70F primary ferment 1 week/2nd ferment 1 week, bottled with 10 desert spoons of brown sugar, good drinkin after a week or 2 but will age well if it lasts... easy drinkin stout nice aroma not too hoppy/bitter could try more hops if your taste is that way inclined, terveseks! let me know how it goes...
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