Rader's Cherry Lambic

Source: Michael Schaefferkoetter
Recipe added: 01/15/05
Email: Rader92173@aol.com

You'll notice that there are no original or final gravity measurments listed. To this point, I haven't taken the time to take the measurments. This is a strong beer, and believe me you can taste the alcohol content in it when your drink it. It has a very nice calm cherry tast with a smokey after taste. Alos, the gypsum is optional I suggest you use it if you are using purified/distilled water. I hope you enjoy.


Recipe type: Other
Batch Size: 5.0 Gal
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 50 Min
Primary Fermentation: 1.5 Weeks
Secondary Fermentation: 1.5 Weeks
Additional Fermentation: As Desired



Follow the instructions for an infusion mash in Papazian, or another text. Add 1/2 gal DME or LME to brew kettle and bring to boil. Boil for 35 minutes and add hops and Irish Moss. Boil for 15 minutes, then chill. Add water to your fermenter as required and pitch yeast when wort is below 80 degrees. Ferment in primary fermenter for 1.5 weeks. After primary fermention period is up, add about two cups of water to a pot filled with dried cherries and bring to a boil. Cool below 80 degrees and add to secondary fermenter. Ferment for 1.5 weeks. Bottle or keg as desired. If you bottle don't forger your priming sugar.
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