Bear's Breath Barleywine

Source: Joshua Dibble
Recipe added: 08/14/05

It's bubbling away in the fermenter right now, 8/14/05. First time brewing this recipie, I'll update with comments... I expect to age this at least a month, and probably more like 2-3 months. Intended for a harvest festival in October.


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.082
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 90 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 21 days
Additional Fermentation: Age in Bottles for 1 month, at least.



Mash all grains with 4 gallons of 175 F water for THREE HOURS. Check temperature, and stir every hour to maintain appropriate temperature of 152F. I added an additional half gallon of boiling water at the halfway point to raise the temperature from 148F back up to 152F. Sparge with 4 gallons of 175F water, strain runnings through a fine nylon mesh hop bag to collect larger stuff that passes the mash filter.
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