Cheshire Cat Cherry Wheat

Source: Bob Tisdale
Recipe added: 10/30/97


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.052
Finishing Gravity: 1.012
Time in Boil: 1 hr. 30 mins.
Primary Fermentation: 5 days
Secondary Fermentation: 9 days



The grain was placed in 2 qt. water at 160°C for one hour. It was then sparged with enough water to bring the total volume to 2.5 gals. The malt and gypsum were then added and brought to a boil for 30 minutes. The hops were added and the boil continued for one hour. The Irish Moss was added the last 15 minutes. The wort was then removed from the heat and the honey and cherry juice (see preparation below) added. This was allowed to stand for 15 minutes in order to Pasteurize the honey and juice. The wort was cooled, poured into the primary and brought to 5 gals. volume. The cooled (about 75°F) wort was aerated and the yeast was pitched. The yeast was used straight from the smack pack with no starter. Fermentation was quite vigorous within 20 hours; it overflowed the airlock twice in the first two days (there were lots of nutrients in the cherry juice). Preparation of cherries: The cherries were thawed, put in cheese cloth and squeezed until no juice came from them. About 1.5 quarts of juice was obtained with a S.G. of 1.034.
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