Special Skull Bitter

Source: Greg W. Clark
Recipe added: 12/04/97
Email: howardd@utec.net

This is a brew that goes down to well. I get a little carried away with my brewing process (anal) my friends say. But, for me it's worth it. The Cascade aroma, the East Kent and Fuggles combined bitterness/flavors, and those great malts coming through with a nice Ruby color. And because of the cold secondary this brew is awsome clear! I'm sure if this brew is brewed close to my process you'll be brewing it again soon with great results. PROST!!!!


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gal
Starting Gravity: 1.050
Finishing Gravity: 1.010
Time in Boil: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 4 days @ 65 d
Secondary Fermentation: 7 days @ 38-45 deg
Additional Fermentation: 2 weeks forced carbonation @ 38-45 deg



1.Start 1 gallon yeast starter (Wyeast1275). Mash all cracked grains @ 150 deg for 1 hour in 1 gallon of filtered water. Sparge grains with 4 qts (or until run off is clear) of 170 deg filtered water). 2.Add mashing wort and extract to brew kettle + (3.5 gal of filtered water). Bring to a boil Add 1oz of East Kent Goldings and 1 oz of Fuggles. 3.At the 30 minute mark add 1/2 oz of East Kent and 1/2 oz Fuggles along with 1tsp of Irish moss. 4.Boil for another 30 minutes. Add 1 oz of Cascade to hop back (Phils Mini Tun works well) and transfer wort. Let wort trickle (covered) into cooling bucket. 5.Chill wort to 70 deg. Rack into Primary fermenter let sit for 15 minutes. Oxygenate wort (optional) for 3 minutes. 6.Pitch yeast. (drain off all of the beer in starter except 3/4" on top of the slurry. Agitate well then pitch. 7.Oxygenate for 3 more minutes (optional). Blanket brew with co2 (optional) Then seal off. Because of wort oxygenation, fermantion starts in about 2 hours. And completes in about 24-48 hours @ 70 deg. Bringing the S.G. of 1.050 (avg) down to 1.010 F.G. 8.Rack after primary is complete. (add 1 oz of FRESH Cascade hops(leaf)to secondary)and throw into frig for 2 weeks. 9.After 2 weeks transfer into a corny. Force carbonate @ 10psi every day for 2 weeks while keg remains in frig. (a shot of co2 once a day @ 10psi will work fine). 10.Time for consumption after 2 weeks!!!! Adjust co2 level for personal preference afterwards.
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