Frosty Paws Spring Wheat Beer

Source: Tim Neall
Recipe added: 05/14/98

This batch hasn't been thououghly tasted yet, but it seems to be okay. Initially there was a rather harsh taste in the finish, almost tasted like orange peels, but it has disapated greatly. In fact, I could barely taste it in the last sample I had. There are not any off aromas and my guess is that it is just young. It is not as light in body as I would have liked and some crazy weather let the fermentaion temps fluctuate quite a bit. It does has a nice flavor with very little hops bitterness and flavor. It is very pale, albeit a little cloudy, and to my best guess is about right for the style. The caravienne adds a nice subtle touch to the beer but it could do wihtout it.


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gal.
Starting Gravity: 1048
Finishing Gravity: 1006
Time in Boil: 1 hour
Primary Fermentation: 7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 11 days



Mash grains at 150 degrees for 90 minutes. Sparge w/ 5 gallons of water. Bring to a boil. After hot break, add Crystal and Tettnanger hops. Boil for a total of 60 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of the boil, add rehydrated Irish moss. Force cool and transfer to fermentor. Aerate and pitch yeast. After fermentation is complete, bottle or keg.
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