Smokey's Honey Apple Ale
Source: Kevin Peters/Sean Cosgrove
Recipe added: 05/18/98
I received the recipe from Grant's brewing company due to the fact they could not ship Grant's Honey Apple Ale to Michigan. I have since changed a couple of things, which I felt improved it. They told me to "pick my favorite pale ale recipe" and add 12oz. of honey and 1/2 can apple juice concentrate. However, this recipe I used has been tried, tested and enjoyed by many.
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 45 min
Primary Fermentation: about 5 days
- 6 lbs. light malt extract
- 12 oz. honey
- 1 1/2 oz. Hallertauer hops (boiling)
- 1/2 oz. Willamette hops (finishing)
- 1/2 can frozen apple juice concentrate
- 2 pks. ale yeast
Very basic procedure-Bring to a boil 1 1/2 gallons water, the malt extract, the honey & the boiling hops. Boil for about 43 minutes. Add the finishing hops and continue to boil 2 more minutes. Remove from heat. Add the 1/2 can of apple juice concentrate. Pitch yeast when cool and ferment. It will be a rapid and voracious fermentation, probably due to the honey.
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