Spiced Cherry Wheat

Source: Dave Bonvicin
Recipe added: 07/15/98
Email: bonvicin@mindspring.com

My intention was to brew a Belgian-style Wit but to replace the orange peel/Coriander combination with cherries and Grains of Paradise. This was suggested by Scott Russell in an issue of Brew Your Own about a year ago. Well, this kind of changed! First off, I grabbed the wrong yeast at the homebrew shop. Next I found people preferred a stronger cherry flavor than what the 2 pounds of puree offered, so I added some extract at bottling. Friends and family, who just drink for enjoyment, love the beer. I received the following criticisms from members of a homebrew club in case anyone decides to try this recipe. "Needs more wheat character." I agree. Next time I'll replace the flaked wheat with wheat malt, upping it to at least 50% of the grist. "Cherry/Grains of Paradise combination is a winner. Definitely a must do again." I also agree. May add a half ounce to the secondary. "Use real cherries next time." I try to brew my summer beers during the spring. Don't know about the rest of the country, but here on Long Island, NY I don't see cherries until sometime in June. Usually have to close down the homebrewery by that given my lack of refrigeration. So, I'll stick with the puree next time!


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5.25
Starting Gravity: 1045
Finishing Gravity: 1009
Time in Boil: 90 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 7 days in plastic - mid 60's
Secondary Fermentation: 14 days on fruit in plastic - mid 60's
Additional Fermentation: 14 days in glass - mid 60's



Mash grains at 154°F. Boil and add hops as noted above. Add the Grains of Paradise for the last 5 minutes. Rack to the secondary on top of the cherry puree. Add the cherry extract and lactic acid at bottling. Bottle with 3.4 cup corn sugar.
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