The Wopsononock Brewery's Pumpkin Pie Porter

Source: Brandon Tarr
Recipe added: 11/30/98

While this is not my first attempt at fermentation, it IS my very first attempt at brewing.(I've never heard wine making referred to as brewing) Anyway, everyone that has tried this brew has loved it. The only exceptions are the two people that shrug their noses at dark beer! Since this was my first ever batch, I only made 2.5 gallons and used a single stage fermenter. You may wish to double the recipe and use a secondary fermenter. This would eliminate all of the pumpkin sludge at the bottom of the carboy before bottling time. Also, don't forget the Irish Moss, otherwise you may end up with an extremely cloudy brew! Enjoy.


Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 2.5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.074
Finishing Gravity: 1.015
Time in Boil: 50 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 14 days
Secondary Fermentation: n/a
Additional Fermentation: n/a



Put 10.5 quarts of good ole city tap water in the kettle and bring to 150ºF. Add the crystal and chocolate malt and steep for 45 minutes. During the last 15 minutes, in another pot, bring 1.5 quarts of water to a boil and add the pumpkin, brown sugar, cloves, and pumpkin pie spice. When the grains are done steeping, remove them, then add the boiling pumpkin concoction. Bring the whole thing to a boil and add the plain amber malt and Hallertau pellets. Add the Fuggle and Cascade pellets, and the Irish Moss during the last 10 minutes of boiling. Pitch the yeast as soon as the temperature goes below 78ºF. Ferment for 14 days, rack, prime, and bottle.
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