Queen's Gambit Cream Ale

Source: Time Neall
Recipe added: 05/29/99
Email: ktneall@aol.com

The sparge on this guy was really slow. But it was worth it. Only a hint of chill haze, even when crash chilled in the freezer. It is a beautiful golden color that almost glows, from the corn and honey malt I suppose. Hops bitterness and flavor is assertive, more so than appropriate for the current style, but it tastes wonderful. There is a sweet corny, honey like aroma that mingles with the Cascade. The head is a magnificant fluffy white. I might do it again with a different yeast, but I can truly say that this is one of my better beers.


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1050
Finishing Gravity: 1010
Time in Boil: 75 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 16 days



Cereal mash with 2 lbs. corn meal and 1 lb. pale malt. Use use 6 qts of water at 113. Mix and allow to rest for 20 minutes. Use heat and raise temp to 150-155 degrees. Allow to stand for 30 minutes. Use heat and bring to a boil over 15 minutes. Boil for 35 minutes. Main Mash: Mah in with 5 qts. of 136 degree water. Stabalize mash at 122 degrees for 30 minutes. Add cereal mash + heat if needed and bring to 140 degrees. Rest for 30 minutes. Use heat to bring to 158 degrees for 30minutes. Use heat and raise to 168 degrees. Rest for 10 minutes. Recirculate until clear and sparge with 5 gallons of water. Boil for 75 minutes. Make bittering addition after hot break. Follow above hopping schedule. Add rehydrated Irish moss at 30 minutes left. Force cool and transfer to primary. Aerate w/ pump for 15 minutes. Pitch yeast. Bottle with 1 cup corn sugar. CPBF from keg to allow for minimal air intake.
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