Witless in Seattle
Source: Mark Henry
Recipe added: 11/06/99
Email: Mark Henry
URL: Mark Henry
Ironically, this was the only homebrewed beer available at the 1999 Home Wine and Beer Trade Association conference. The five gallons provided went very quickly.
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 6 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.040
Finishing Gravity: 1.009
Time in Boil: 30 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 3 days @ 70'F
Secondary Fermentation: 3 days @ 75'F
- 6.6 lbs Coopers Wheat Malt Extract
- 1 lb clear Belgian candi sugar (add to boil)
- 2 oz Styrian Golding hops (30 min)
- 1/2 oz Tettnanger hops (10 min)
- 1/2 oz curacao orange peel (2 min)
- 3/4 oz corriander seed, crushed (2 min)
- White Labs Wit Yeast
- 3/4 cup corn sugar (priming)
Mix in malt extract syrup. Bring to gentle boil, watch for boilover.
After hot break, add Styrian Goldings hops and boil gently for 30 minutes. Top up water periodically if necessary. Add Tettnanger hops with 10 minutes remaining in boil.
Add orange peel, corriander and candi sugar with 2 minutes remaining in boil (desolve the candi sugar in a couple of cups of water first).
Cool wort in pot to room temperature. Transfer into fermenter. Aerate well, then top up to 5 gallons if necessary.
Pitch yeast when temp is <80’F
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