Bown Cat - IPA
Source: Mike Schnell
Recipe added: 11/20/99
This recipe produces a pretty bold IPA. Lots of Cascade in the nose from the dry hopping. BUs in the low 70s. Alcohol will be about 7% B/V. Great hop / malt balance, very drinkable. Lots of positive comments from friends with discriminating home-brew palates!
To improve mash efficiency and sugar extaction (this recipe had a low mash efficency of about 51%) recommend lowering the mash H20 volume to 3.5 gallons, mashing longer (2 hours), and sparging slower (2 hours).
Try adding 1 oz. Amercian oak chips to secondary to give it a hint of cask conditioning. Not my personal preference, but some enjoy this in an IPA.
Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.063
Finishing Gravity: 1.011
Time in Boil: 90 min.
Primary Fermentation: 6 days at 72F
Secondary Fermentation: 6 Days at 72F
- Grains:
- 13 Lbs. Harrington 2 Row
- 2 Lbs. 37L Cyrstal
- 1 Lb. Victory
- 1 Lb. Dextrin
- Hops:
- .5 oz. Columbus (14.2 A) Pellet - Boil 90 min.
- 2.5 oz. Cascade (4.7 A) Pellet - Boil 90 min.
- 1.5 oz. Cascade (4.7 A) Pellet - Boil 60 min.
- 2.5 oz. Cascade (4.7 A) Pellet - Dry hop in secondary
- White Labs - California Ale Yeast (cultered to 700ml)
Mash grains with 4 gallons at 157F for 90 minutes(correct mash H20 PH to 6.5 - for local water that equates to 2 tsp gypsum and 100cc phosphoric acid). Prepare 5.5 gallons sparge H20 same way. Run off mash to kettle, sparge grains very slowly for at least 90 minutes until kettle volume is 6.75 gallons. Boil 90 minutes with hop additions as listed. Chill wort to about 60F and pitch yeast. Ferment in primary for out 6 days, rack to seconday (pitch 2.5 oz Cascade pellets to dry hop). Leave in secondary for about a week (could have been longer). Filter tight at .5 microns to remove hop residue mostly. If you don't filter, use hop flowers and increase dry hop quantity to 3 oz Cascade.
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