Smooth Seductress

Source: Aaron Corday
Recipe added: 11/25/99

I have yet to taste the final product. Secondary smells like fruit salad, wonderfull banana and grapefruit smells, powerfull alcohol and spiciness, sweet maltiness as well.I will bottle this batch in 1.5L magnums, 12 oz, and a few nips for time trial testing.


Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.130
Finishing Gravity: 1.036
Time in Boil: 75 minute
Primary Fermentation: 6 days
Secondary Fermentation: 4-6 weeks



Strike grain at 170F, mash at 152F for 60 min, mash out 168F for 5 min.Sparge with 170F for 60 min. Add Extract bring to boil and add Bittering hops. with 45 min. left add Molasses and continue with hop schedule, cool and aerate with pure O2 Blasts from oxygen tank.Pitch yeast 70F, and Ferment @65F, Dry hop in Secondary, pitch fresh yeast before bottling. Age for anywhere between 3 weeks - 5 years.(or longer!)
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