Clan Campbell Scotch Ale

Source: David Campbell/Donny Burchell
Recipe added: 01/07/00

A tasty, amber colored ale with a thick, creamy head. It is a very sweet beer with noticeable esters and a lot of flavor when young. Very true to the style, although we opted against wood chips for the strong smoky flavor. Interestingly, the Scottish Ale yeast did NOT impart even a subtle smoky flavor as it indicated it would. I recommend going with a reduced amount of wood chips for a subtle smoky flavor if desired.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 Gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.051
Finishing Gravity: 1.014
Time in Boil: 60 min.
Primary Fermentation: 12 days; plastic
Secondary Fermentation: 2 weeks; glass



Steeped caramel malt for 30 minutes at 160 degrees in 1 gallon sterile water. Brought liquor to 3 gallons total; dissolved malt and started boil. Added brown sugar at start of boil. At 55 minutes into boil, added remaining hops and malto-dextrine. At end of boil, chilled wort in sink of ice to 65 degrees, and pitched yeast. Fermented at around 72 degrees in primary and somewhere around 62-65 degrees in secondary after racking. Primed w/ 3/4 cup corn sugar when bottled.
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