Welsh Mild

Source: Alan Mishell
Recipe added: 04/04/00
Email: alan@a-lan.com

This is a traditional Welsh Mild. The brown and chocolate malts add a wonderful nutty flavor and provide a rich amber color. The Carastan contributes a smooth and full body. With the addition of the Irish moss, this beer comes out crystal clear with no chill haze. This beer goes down so smooth, it's hard to brew enough of it. Enjoy!


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gal.
Starting Gravity: 1.036
Finishing Gravity: 1.007
Time in Boil: 90 min.
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 1 week



Mash for 60 min. at 155F by adding 1.94 gal. of water at 181F to grain. Sparge with 5 gal water at 180F. Boil for 90 min. adding 1 oz Fuggles at the start and .25 oz Fuggles with 5 min. left. Don't forget to add the Irish moss with 30 min. of boil left. Cool, pour into fermenter, pitch yeast.
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