German/American Lager
Source: Kevin
Recipe added: 06/16/00
This beer has a nice German hop to it but does not cling to the pallet probably due to the
flaked maze modist gravity and distilled water. Definitely not a purity law beer because
of the maze. More like an American/German Lager. It was a hit with me Good luck
Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 11
Starting Gravity: 1.046
Finishing Gravity: 1.009
Time in Boil: 90
Primary Fermentation: 14 days
Secondary Fermentation: 14 days
Additional Fermentation: lager 2 weeks at 32 degrees
- AHA Style and Style Guidelines
- -------------------------------
- 16-A American Lager, American Lager
- Min OG: 1.040 Max OG: 1.046
- Min IBU: 5 Max IBU: 17
- Min Clr: 2 Max Clr: 4 Color in SRM, Lovibond
- Recipe Specifics
- ----------------
- Batch Size (GAL):11.00
- Total Grain (LBS):17.87
- Anticipated OG:1.046
- Anticipated SRM:3.2
- Anticipated IBU:13.4
- System Efficiency:75
- Wort Boil Time:90 Minutes
- Pre-Boil Gravity:1.037 SG
- Formulas Used
- -------------
- Color Formula Used: Morey
- Hop IBU Formula Used: Garetz
- Additional Utilization Used For Plug Hops: 2 %
- Additional Utilization Used For Pellet Hops: 10 %
- Grain:
- ---------------------------------------
- 84.9% 15.00 lbs. Pilsener
- 4.2 % 0.75 lbs. Pale Malt(2-row)
- 3.5% 0.62 lbs. Carafome
- 7.4 % 1.30 lbs. Flaked Corn (Maize)
- Hops
- -------------------------------------------------
- 1.50 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh-Pellet- 8.5- IBU 90 min.
- 0.50 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh-Pellet- 2.5- IBU 60 min.
- 0.62 oz. Tettnanger-Pellet- 2.4-IBU 30 min.
- 0.62 oz. Tettnanger-Pellet- 0.0- IBU 5 min.
- Extras
- 4.40 Tsp. Irish Moss 15 Min.(boil)
- 1 1/2 Tspns Yeast nutrient 20 Min (boil)
- Yeast
- -----
- WYeast 2035 American Lager -2 Quart Primer (starter)
- Water Profile
- -------------
- Calcium(Ca): 1.40 ppm
- Magnesium(Mg):0.50 ppm
- Sodium(Na): 1.00 ppm
- Sulfate(SO4): 3.40ppm
- Chloride(Cl): 3.80 ppm
- Carbonate(CO3):0.00 ppm
- pH: 5.7 in Hot liquor tank w/-Lactic acid 88%
- pH 6.0 in Mash liquor w/-Lactic acid 88%
- Treated water with distilled and filtered home water
- Used calcium chloride over Gypsum to avoid hop harshness in the light lager
Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Multi Step
Qt. Water Per LBS Grain: 0.94 Total Qt.: 16.87
Protein Rest Temp:122Deg.Time:25 min
Intermediate Rest Temp:133Deg Time:15 min
Saccharification Rest Temp:150 Deg Time:60 min
Mash-out Rest Temp:156 Deg Time:30 min
Sparge Temp : 166 Time: 60
Added 4 gallons of (hot liquor tank) water to brew kettle before spargeing draff.
pH was 5.7 Try to keep pH in mash and kettle around 5.2 to 5.3. After brewing and
cooling hit the fermenters with O2 for 60 seconds, then pitch primer
14 days in first fermenter at 50 degrees, 14 days in secant fermenter (50 degrees) after 5
Th. day bring the temp down 2 degrees a day until 32 degrees. Filter with a 1 micron
filter and carbonate with 2.80 vol. of CO2. let sit for 1 1/2 to 3 weeks at 32 degrees.
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