Honey Wheat Lager

Source: Matt Garhart
Recipe added: 06/20/00
Email: mgarhart@yahoo.com
URL: http://pages.hotbot.com/family/mgarhart/index.html

6/19/00 - I purchased the lager kit with the intention of reproducing a Mr. Beer recipe. In a moment of lucidity, I decided on this recipe instead.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 2.5 gal.
Starting Gravity: Don't
Finishing Gravity: Know
Time in Boil: 60 min.
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 10 days
Additional Fermentation: None



Toast crushed pale malt grains under the broiler for a few minutes taking care not to burn them. Mix gypsum with water and add grains (bagged). Slowly raise water temp. to 155 degs. F and steep grains for approximately 30 min. Place grain bag in strainer and sparge with hot water to extract sugars. Bring water to a boil and remove from heat. Add lager kit and wheat extract, stir well, and bring mixture to a boil. Add half the Target hops and boil for 15 min. Add remaining Target hops and boil for 25 min. Add ¼ oz. of the Cascade hops and boil for 10 min. Add ¼ oz. of the Cascade hops and boil for 10 min. Remove from heat, add honey and remaining Cascade hops, and steep for 10 min. Perform a cold water sparge (strain) of the wort when adding to the primary. Cool wort (aerate well), add yeast, and stir vigorously. After fermemtation has begun (1-2 days), refrigerate to 45-55 deg. F until active fermentation ceases. Rack to secondary fermenter and refrigerate for another 10 days.Bottle the beer using your preferred method (I use 1 tbsp. of priming sugar per 1 qt. bottle) and carbonate at room temp. for 1-2 weeks. Condition beer in refrigerator for at least 2 weeks before consuming.
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