Stock's "Big Cock" Barley Wine Ale
Source: Jason Stock
Recipe added: 06/22/00
I'm very proud of this recipe. It's much like Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot Barley Wine Ale. Maybe a touch more intense on the hops and malt. I entered a bottle of this in a local homebrew club competition and it took 1st place (out of 18 beers tasted.) This is a very intense, but well balanced ale. It won the competition at 3 months old. I suspect it will only get better.
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 2.5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.120
Finishing Gravity: 1.040
Time in Boil: 85 min.
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 1 week
Additional Fermentation: Bottle Condition for as long as you can stand.
- 6 lbs Cooper's Light LME
- 1 lb Laaglander light DME
- 1 lb DWC Munich Malt 7 Lovibond
- .25 lbs DWC Aromatic Malt 20 Lovibond
- .25 LBS DWC Cara-Munich Malt 56 lovibond
- .25 lbs Torrefied Wheat
- .25 lbs DWC Special B 130 Lovibond
- 1 oz. Nugget Hops (12.7% alpha)
- 1 oz. Centennial Hops (10 % alpha)
- 1 oz. Cascade hops (6.0% Alpha)
- 1 tsp Irish Moss
- White Labs California Ale Yeast
Mashed in grains at 120 degrees in 3 quarts spring water.
Held for 30 minute protein rest.
Raised temperature to 155 degrees and held for 1 hour for starch conversion.
Mashed out at 165 degrees for 5 minutes.
Rinsed with 2 gallons 165 degree water.
Added malt extracts and brought to boil.
Boiled 25 minutes, then added 1 oz. Nugget hops.
Boiled 45 minutes then added Irish Moss.
Boiled 10 more minutes and added .5 oz centennial and .5 oz Cascade hops.
Boiled 5 minutes.
Cooled, topped of to just above 2.5 gallons and pitched yeast.
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