USA (unseasonably strong ale)

Source: dan raphael
Recipe added: 08/27/00

Every April-May I make a Summer Ale, modeled loosely on Anchor Steam. This year I decided to amp it up a little, with a littlemore malt, tad of roasted malt, and using columbus instead of northern brewer. changed the character of the whole thing. will be a good winter beer if theres any left. good blance of malts, alcohol warming (7.5 abv) & hop tang.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 6 gal
Starting Gravity: .076
Finishing Gravity: .019
Time in Boil: 75 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 4 weeks
Secondary Fermentation: none
Additional Fermentation: none



crack specialk grains, boil in 1.5 gallons for 5 minutes, let sit 30 minutes or more. Add malt, honey & boil hops. After an hour add 1/2 columbus, after 15 more minutes add 1 oz. cascade. Let set for 5 minutes before sparging. add eyast when cool enough
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