der Tamminator Oatmeal Wheat

Source: Jeff Clough
Recipe added: 10/03/00
URL: none

The first taste was a little young (I couldn't wait!), as I tried it after being in the bottle only 10 days. Yet it was a pleasing red-amber color, with a nice clear white head. It had a slightly bitter taste, not unlike an IPA. The after taste was a little on the sour side, but it wasn't altogether a bad taste. I tried another a week later, and it has started to mellow. I am going to make this again, but leave out the oatmeal, and perhaps use a little fruit flavoring like raspberry. I think I should also use a full cup of sugar to prime.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 1 hour
Primary Fermentation: 8 days
Secondary Fermentation: 6 days
Additional Fermentation: In the bottle for two weeks before first tasting



Boiled 4 gallons of water, cooled and added to carboy. Boiled 1 more gallon and added wheat syrup. When it came back to a boil, I added Cascade Hops and oatmeal and boiled for an hour. During the last 10 min. of the boil, I added the Mt hood Hops, and let it cool at room temp. for about 15-20 minutes. Then I cooled rapidly using the ice-bath method. Next I strained it into the carboy with the cool water. At about 70* to 75*, I pitched the yeast. Fermented at 70* for the whole duration in a dark room. When I primed this beer for bottling, I used 3/4 cup of corn sugar dissolved in about 2 cups of water.
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