Püterscheins Dunklesweizen

Source: John Viggiano
Recipe added: 12/01/00
Email: jsvrc@rc.rit.edu
URL: http://www.rit.edu/~jasvppr

I tried two techniques that seemed a little different with this one: a bifurcated boil so I could do a thorough filtering of the hot break, and a high-gravity ferment to bring up the esters. The result is nice and estery, with just a slight bitter edge to it.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 17 liters
Starting Gravity: 1.051
Finishing Gravity: 1.011
Time in Boil: 60 mins / 15 mins
Primary Fermentation: 7 days at 19°C
Secondary Fermentation: 7 days at 19°C



Steep grains in 400 ml water at 70° C. Strain into kettle. Repeat a total of 4 times. Boil volume was 10 - 11 liters. Hops in 60 minutes. Allow to cool slowly, with lid on, after knockout. Strain carefully off hot break, then bring again to boil. Boil additional 15 minutes to sterilize. After chilling to 25° C, bring volume up to 12 liters, aerate well and pitch. Keep temperature between 18° C and 20° C for this yeast to behave properly. A high-gravity ferment will bring up the esters. Volume at pitching: 19 liters. Gravity: 1.081. On the third day of primary fermentation, start adding make-up water -- 7 liters in all. Add one to two liters at a time. After adding all makeup water, effective OG is now 1.051. (Because I used a plastic primary, I racked to glass after a week. If I had started in glass, I probably would have stayed there.) Yield: 34 - 500ml DIN-52 bottles.
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