Stalin's Revenge
Source: Jason Stock
Recipe added: 12/20/00
This beer is very young (2 weeks in the bottle) and it's already great. The nose is very much like that of Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout. (I know, it's blasphemy to invoke such a name, but seriously it's quite good.) The flavor, while maybe a bit rough around the edges right now is great. It's got good body, and is relatively sweet, but pretty balanced and restrained. I think the licorice root adds an interesting flavor/aroma to the beer. I'm really very fond of it. And this stuff packs a punch.
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: ?
Finishing Gravity: ?
Time in Boil: 90
Primary Fermentation: 1 week @ 68 degrees.
Secondary Fermentation: 1 week @ 68 degrees.
Additional Fermentation: Bottle condition.
- 6 lbs Cooper's Dark LME
- 2 lbs Munton's wheat DME
- 2.5 lbs DWC Pale Malt
- 1 lb DWC Chocolate Malt
- .5 lb DWC Black Patent Malt
- .5 lb DWC Roasted Barley
- .5 lb Briess Victory Malt
- .25 lb DWC Biscuit Malt
- 2 oz. Fuggle Hops (4.3% alpha)
- 1 oz. Hallertaur Hops (3.9% alpha)
- 1 oz. East Kent Goldings Hops (5.7% alpha)
- .5 oz. Licorice Root
- White Labs Edinburgh Ale Yeast
Doughed in grains with 1.5 gallons of water at 135 degrees. Held for 30 minute protein rest.
Raised to 155 degrees and held for 1 hour starch conversion.
Rinsed with 180 degree water. (Approx 2 gallons.) Added malt extracts and brought to boil.
Total boil time = 90 minutes.
Boiled 35 minutes then added 1 oz. East Kent Goldings hops.
Boiled 15 minutes and added 2 oz. Fuggle hops
Boiled 10 minutes added .5 oz licorice root.
Boiled 15 minutes added 1 oz. Hallertaur hops.
Boiled 15 minutes until knock off.
Cooled to approximately 68 degrees, added yeast and topped off water. Shook like hell.
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