Liberty Bay IPA
Source: Dave Frombach
Recipe added: 01/17/01
This is not a recipe for Wimps!! If you are a true hop head and IPA lover, this is the brew for you!!!!
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 gal.
Starting Gravity: 1.066
Finishing Gravity: 1.014
Time in Boil: 60 min.
Primary Fermentation: 7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 7 days
Additional Fermentation: 3 weeks bottle carbonation
- 7 lbs. Alexanders pale malt extract
- 2 lbs. Dry extra light malt extract
- 1 lb. two row pale malt
- 1 lb. 40L crystal malt
- 1/2 lb. Munich malt
- 1/2 lb. victory malt
- 1 oz Columbus hops (60 min.)
- 1 oz Cascade hops (60 min.)
- 1 oz Cascade hops (30 min.)
- 1 oz Cascade hops (20 min.)
- 1 oz Cascade hops (10 min.)
- 1/2 oz Columbus hops (5 min.)
- 1/2 oz Columbus hops (1 min.)
- 1 oz Columbus hops (dry in secondary)
- 1056 American Ale yeast (preferably a big re-pitch)
Single step mash the grains in three quarts of water at 152 for one hour. Sparge with six more quarts of water at 170. Add this to three gallons of water and the extracts and boil for one hour following the listed hop schedule.(gypsum, Irish moss, wort chill, aireate bigtime, and yeast pitch as you normally do)
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