Hoppy Honey Wheat

Source: Mark
Recipe added: 04/27/01
Email: Goldvirus17@hotmail.com

Nice and rich, medium body, light, crisp, a nice fair hop bitterness, with subtle flavor evident, and a fine boquet. Very proud of this one.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5.5gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.061
Finishing Gravity: 1.013
Time in Boil: 60 min
Primary Fermentation: 8 days
Secondary Fermentation: 8 days



standard instructions for any extract brew. I personally use a boiled legnth of my wifes old nylons tied at the ends with my hops for the brew, and tie a piece of boiled fishing line to a 'nylon/hop' bag in my carboy to dry hop. works like a champ, if you use a long enough piece of nylons, the hops will spread out and pull right through the opening. other than that, honey takes a while to ferment, and might appear to fermenting after 2 weeks, after the first 12 days it still bubbled a little bit, but the gravity didn't change over the last 3 days.
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