Blind Toad

Source: Absent
Recipe added: 05/08/01

the local brewing shop has a terrible selection - it's a question of going in there and seeing what you can make out of whatever stock there is. It's a very dark ale with a strong, pleasant floury note. After three months in the barrel I bottled 20 pints, some of which survived for eighteen months and had turned into something wonderful. It's named in honour of a long dead pet.


Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 imp gallon
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 2h
Primary Fermentation: about 2 weeks
Secondary Fermentation: six weeks



Mash the wheat with the DME and the crystal in one gallon, go for a temperature a little on the high side. Run off the wort and add to the boiler with the spray malt and add first batch of hops plus the roast barley. Add the second batch of hops at 1 3/4 h and give it another 15mins. Put the 1/4 oz into the fermentation bin and run the hot wort onto it. Top it up to 5 gal, pitch the yeast asap.
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