Dandelion bitter

Source: absent
Recipe added: 06/22/01
Email: Absent@awaywiththepixies.com

It's good - very good, the dandelion enhances the hops in a way I hadn't forseen, although it has a strong dandelion aroma the flowers don't come through too strongly and contribute to wonderfuly well rounded ale. It's a great shame they've mown the meadow or I'd be out there picking more flowers at the moment,


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: approx 1 imp gall
Starting Gravity: 1050
Finishing Gravity: 1009
Time in Boil: 90 min
Primary Fermentation: 6 days
Secondary Fermentation: 3 weeks



From: ABSENT3 Jun-15 5:08 am To: ALL (1 of 2) 373.1 Here's what I'm drinking at the moment - all are open ferment. Blind Rat Extract brew - my first brew in about five years, based on all they had at the brew shop, no carrageen available. 2kg Spraymalt light 1kg Spraymalt medium 300g crystal in with the boil 1tsp sea salt fuggles 70g 90min fuggle 25g 15 min fuggle 5g hop sack into the brewing bin Pitched with overnight culture of Edme ale yeast 4 1/2 imp gallon Og 1045 Fermented well, reached 1012 in 5 days casked on 6th day No priming, 3 weeks in the cask before drinking Incredibly bitter but pleasant, it refuses to clear but tastes fine, hard to dispense as the head is a bit big. Probably not one I'd repeat. Brew 2 - my first attempt at full mash Lame Corvid 3.5kg Crushed Youngs Light malt. 1kg spraymalt medium - as the pack was opened for yeast propagation 70g Golding 90min 200g Chocolate malt 30min 50g roast barley 30min 20g golding 30min 10g fuggle 5min 2tsp sea salt 1tsp carrageen 4 1/2 imp gall OG 1055 Mashed at a poorly controlled 62-70C for 1 1/2h Added spray malt 30min into boil Gervin Ale yeast overnight culture used Required serious rousing every day to keep the yeast top working - gave it good aeration every evening using a ladle. Kegged after 8 days SG 1014. Dry hopped with a handful of fuggle. Cleared in 5 days, gave it a further 2 weeks before trying. Typical strong bitter, chocolatey after taste, heavy on the hops upfront, One I'm going to do again but I'll up the chocolate malt to 500g next time. Brew three A test batch of Dandelion Ale 500g spray malt medium 1 1/2 pint packed down dandelion flowers with the green removed. 15g golding 90min ( well, a handful anyway ) small handful golding 5min carrageen 1tsp OG 1050 - just under 1 imp gallon. Covered the flowers with boiling water and left to sit overnight. Set up the boil in 4 pints water, Added the flower liquid at the end of the boil, pressed out all the liquid and brought the wort briefly back to the boil. Made up volume with cold water to Og 1050 Fermented well with a good head, decanted after six days ( rather than siphoning ), it had cleared well already. primed with 1tbps castor sugar and bottled into ceramic flip tops. Left it for three weeks in the bottle.
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