Gambrinus' Mug

Gambrinus' Mug - The Brewery's Recipe Exchange

Ales: Belgian Ales: Trappist and Abbey Beers

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Brother Sebatian's Abbey Style Belgian Ale, Michel J. Brown, All Grain
Dubbel Trubbel, Mark Stevens, All Grain
Monk on my back Trappist Ale, Gene Kane / Jeramy Simonian, Partial Mash
D&B's Saint Somebodies trapist ale, Dave Lane, All Grain
Trippel Play, Mark Stevens, All Grain
Berwyn Heights Abbey, Kelly Beckham, Partial Mash
Holy Grail Trappist Ale, Jay Spies, All Grain
Trippel Over, Warren White, Partial Mash
Andrimne Tripel, Gahr Smith-Gahrsen, All Grain
Abbeagle Dubbel Ale, Michael Parker, Extract
Uncomplicated Trappist Ale, John Stockman, All Grain
Devil's Dubbel, David Campbell, Extract
Le Trapp Trippel (clone), Steve Gustafson, All Grain

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 [Mailbox], KFL, 12/22/96

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