About Gambrinus' Mug
The Gambrinus' Mug recipe database was created to allow users to post
their recipes to share with other Web users. This collection of recipes differs
greatly from The Cat's Meow 3. The recipes
found in The Cat's Meow were compiled from the Homebrew Digest,
and the newsgroup, rec.crafts.brewing
, and then some were directly
submitted. The time required to edit the recipe and add it to The Cat's Meow
collection could sometimes take up to 6 months (and longer in a few cases). There has been greater and greater call for an interactive collection
and Gambrinus' Mug is our answer to this need. With Gambrinus' Mug,
anyone can post their favorite recipe and have it instantly available for other
users to share.
Posting recipes
We have spent a fair amount of time in designing the category structure to
ease the searching of a specific style of beer. You will notice that you can
only post recipes when you have reached the recipe section for a particular
style. So please be sure you first visit the proper style section of the collection
prior to posting a recipe. Otherwise, we will have to hand move the links when
we find recipes miss-posted.
As said earlier, we have given a lot of thought to the category structure, but
if you feel that a change is warranted, then email
, with your suggestion. We will make changes
as time permits.
Slightly Moderated
We will only edit recipes when requested by the contributor, or if we see that
it absolutely needs it. Of course, if improper material is posted, we will remove
it as soon as we detect it.
Enjoy Gambrinus' Mug
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KFL, 12/17/96
Copyright © 1996 - 2005. All Rights Reserved. No information found in the
Gambrinus' Mug pages should be assumed to be in the public domain.