Yulefest Ale
Source: Tim Schaid
Recipe added: 04/12/97
Very concerned at first as no visible signs of conversion
taking place for 3 - 4 days. On day 5 conversion process
takes off and is quite good. Bottled 30 days later with
priming sugar. Good carbonation after 30 days in bottle.
You will like the multitude of spices/flavors in this beer,
however, the next time I brew this I will use less or no
cloves as this did tend to dominate the flavor. Enjoy!
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 Gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.035
Finishing Gravity: 1.014
Time in Boil: 75 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 30 Days
- 1 lb. Honey
- 1 tsp. Cloves
- 2 tsp. Allspice
- 3 tsp. Ground Ginger
- 5 3" Cinnamon Sticks
- Rinds from 6 Medium Oranges
- 3.3 lb. Golden Triangle Dark Malt Extract
- 3.3 lb. Gold Malt Extract - Wind River
- 1 oz. U.S. Hallertau Hop Pellets (Boiling)
- .5 oz. German Hallertau Hop Pellets (Finishing)
- .75 tsp. Irish Moss
- .5 oz. German Hallertau Hop Pellets (Aroma)
- 1 Pkg. (14 grams) Australian Ale Yeast
Combine honey with 1.5 gal. water in brewpot. Combine
spices and orange rind into a spice bouquet tied in cheese-
cloth and add to brewpot. Simmer 45 minutes. Add malt
extracts and boiling hops, bring to a boil, and boil with the
spice bouquet for 55 minutes. Add finishing hops and Irish
Moss, boil 20 minutes more (remove spice bouquet after
first 10 minutes of this boil and let drain into carboy filled
with 3.5 gal. water). Turn off heat, add aroma hops and steep
for 3 minutes. Pour into carboy and pitch yeast when cooled
to 72 degrees.
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