Lightning Creek Moostash Lager

Source: Guy Gregory
Recipe added: 05/19/97

1. Probably the most crystal clear beer I've ever made, dandy golden color, pretty head, excellent looking beer. 2. High diacetyl in early glasses, too high. Probably a function of the yeast. Next time, use true pilsener yeast. 3. Absolutely the wrong hops. Columbus overwhelms the taste, and the taste that does wonders for a heavy ale is not good with this style. Drinkable, and better once you get over the initial shock. Best for pondering what could have been if only I'd used Saaz or Hallertau or ....?


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.048
Finishing Gravity: n/a
Time in Boil: 60 min
Primary Fermentation: 2 weeks in glass @ 50F
Secondary Fermentation: 6 weeks in stainless @40F
Additional Fermentation: Kegged, carbonated, and aged 2 weeks at 33F.



Mashin 1 qt water/lb grain, hold 122F for 20 minutes. Add 1/2 qt water/lb grain, raise temp to 148F, hold 30 min, raise to 156F, hold until conversion, this recipe about 45 min. Mashout at 170F for 5 minutes...Sparge with 170F water, Bring wort to boil, add touch of hops to prevent boilover, once boil starts add remaining bittering hops. Add pinch irish moss at 45 min.into boil, add flavor hops at 50 min. into boil, stop and chill after 60 min boil. Chill to 75 F., let stand, rack after break settles, pitch, chill in fridge to 50F. Rack after 14 days to converted corny keg (inlet removed and airlock installed) put back in beer fridge, and neglect for 6 weeks. Gas push transfer to final corny keg, age for 2 weeks.
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