Strong & Dark Scott
Source: Shane Thibodeau
Recipe added: 05/26/97
This recipe has a very comlex grain character and the
recipe allows for a lot of experimentation in this
respect. 'Victory' malt is sort of a hybrid malt that has
fuller flavor than regular crystal malt. 'Biscuit' malt
is also acceptable. It might not be 100% traditinal, but
it's GOOD!
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gal.
Starting Gravity: 1.073
Finishing Gravity: 1.018
Time in Boil: 45 min
Primary Fermentation: 14 days
Secondary Fermentation: 7 days
Additional Fermentation: none
- 3 lbs Amber Dried Malt Extract
- 3 lbs Dark Dried Malt Extract
- 1 lb Victory Malt
- 1 lb Crystal Malt
- 1/2 lb CaraFoam Malt
- 1/2 lb Chocolate Malt
- 1/4 lb smoked or peat smoked malt (optnl)
- 1 oz East Kent Goldings (boiling 45min)
- 1 oz Hallertaur (finishing 5min)
- 1 pkg stout/dark ale yeast
Crack the grains, then seperate to 4 seperate muslin bags
Steep grains in 2 gal cold water in pot. Turn on heat.
Remove grains at first sight of boil.
You can squeeze the bags to get the good stuff
Add all DME and bring to boil over.
After boil over, add boiling hops and start timer.
At the 40 minute mark, add finishing hops.
Remove heat at 45 minute mark
Add 2 gal COLD water to fermenter and add wort.
Cool and pitch. Use 1 1/4 cups DME
or 3/4 cups corn sugar to prime. ENJOY!!
Alcohol Cont. Approx 7.1%
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