"Fairway Bunker" Brown Ale ESB
Source: Bill Webber
Recipe added: 08/20/97
Email: BWeb69@hotmail.com
VERY BITTER!! NOT FOR THE WEAK OF HEART!! Like some of the fairway bunkers I've played out of in my golfing travels, they are bitter and unforgiving. Here's my little tribute to futility!! ENJOY!!
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 US gallons
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 30 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 7 gal. bucket/ 6 days
Secondary Fermentation: none
Additional Fermentation: none
- 3.3 lbs. Dark malt extract
- 1.5 lbs. Light Dried malt extract
- 1 tsp. gypsum
- 2 oz. Hallertau hop pellets (boiling)
- 1 oz. Tettenager hop pellets (boiling)
- 1 oz. Fuggles hop pellets (boiling)
- 1/2 oz. Saaz hop pellets (aroma)
- 3 oz. Fuggles flower hops (aroma)
- 1 lb. corn sugar (bottling)
- 1 pkg. Ale yeast
Bring all ingredients with one gallon of water to a slow boil and boil for thirty minutes. Add the boiling hops during this process. After 25 minutes, add the aroma hops and let steep for 10 minutes. Put wort in fermenter with four gallons of cold water and allow to cool. Add yeast and put flower hops in cheesecloth bag and allow to ferment with yeast in fermenter for six days. Bottle and enjoy!!
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