1st Meeting Chocolate Ale
Source: jonathan edwards
Recipe added: 10/19/97
Email: mrpookey@mindspring.com
This is my first attempt at a chocolate type of ale but it looks and tastes like it is a winner. I met my wife at a party where i was drinking Saranac Chocolate Amber. My wife bummed one from me and we sat around talking about beer, vws, etc etc. Hence the name of this beer.
While based lightly on Saranac...i didn't copy it. This is a total experiment. One note on chocolate...use the Ghirardelli cocoa. it doesn't have oils or fats. Also, i used 1/2 cup. you may want more. you can always add more in the secondary. also, i used Wyeast 1338 European because it is less attenuative and should bring out the chocoalte and malt well. Good luck!
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.053
Finishing Gravity: ?
Time in Boil: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 2 weeks
Additional Fermentation: none
- 4.0lbs Klager 2 row malt
- .50lbs chocolate malt
- .75lbs crystal 90L
- 3.6lbs british light dry extract
- 1/2 cup Ghirardelli cocoa
- .75oz Chinook (boil)
- .50oz Cascade (15 minutes)
- .50oz Cascade (3 minutes)
- 1/4 teaspon Irish Moss
- 2tsp Gypsum
- Wyeast 1338 European Ale
Add grains and 2tsp Gypsum to 1 1/4gallon of water. Heat to 120F for 30 minutes. Raise temp
to 130F, add 1 1/2 quarts of water. This should bring the temp to about 150F. Hold for 10
minutes, stirring occasionally. Add more heat and raise to 158F. Hold for 15-20 minutes. Test
for conversion. Continue to mash for up to 20 minutes or until conversion is complete.
Sparge with 2 gallons of 170F water.
Bring wort to a boil, remove from heat, add 3.6lbs of extract, stirring occasionally. Return to
heat, WATCH FOR BOIL OVER! boil for 60 minutes. after 5-10 minutes, add .75 oz of Chinnok hops.
When there is 15 minutes left in the boil, add .50z of cascade hops. at 3 minutes, add another
.50z of cascade hops and 1/4 teaspoon Irish Moss. At end of boil, remove from heat and add 1/2
cup Ghirardelli cocoa. return to heat and stir until dissolved.
Cool, add to fermenter. top off at 5 gallon mark. Aerreate, pitch yeast from starter.
Taste when transferring to secondary. if more chocolate flavor is desired, add cocoa to hot water
and add to primarry.
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