Sweet Cyser (Az Style)
Source: Charles House
Recipe added: 11/05/97
Email: Chouse@primenet.com
Creates a Medium bodied sweet cyser with a hint of something noone can figure out. Tastes best after 6 Mo.
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5
Starting Gravity: 1.154
Finishing Gravity: 1.018
Time in Boil: -
Primary Fermentation: 2 Weeks @69 Deg F
Secondary Fermentation: 3-4 Months @69 or lower
Additional Fermentation: 3 Months
- 2 Gallons Good Apple Cider
- 21 Lbs Honey
- 1 Package Lager Yeast (I Used Yeast Lab European Lager Yeast)
- 1 Cup Brown Sugar
- 2.5 Gallon Purified Water
- 1/4 Tsp Peptic Enzyme
Pour 2 gallons of Apple cyder into a 5 gallon Food grade container and cover for now.
Heat 2.5 Gallons of water to 180 Degrees and turn off heat.
Stir in honey slowly and carefully.
While still hot, pour into the apple cider and
Put a lid on it and leave it alone over night.
Boil 2 cups water, let cool to 105 F, stir in cup of brown sugar and stir in the yeast, let mixture stand for 20 Min.
stir with spoon to test, if mixture foams up your yeast is good if not, get some better yeast and try again.
Stir in Yeast and whip the must until a froth forms.
Check your SG, should be near 1.150 Note the value.
Cover for 2 days and stir every 2 days until bubbles slow to 1 per every 2 Min. or less 30 minuites after you stir.
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