Jan's Hospitality Ale

Source: bobbyhart
Recipe added: 11/06/97
Email: bobbyhart@hotmail.com

I got into this hobby, like many of you, to make the kinds of beer I couldn't find in a store, like this 60-shilling Scotch ale. Not enough people out there are making small beers (the key, I say, to getting more people interested in homebrew,) and I figured the person who wasn't satisfied with a tiny serving of their big barleywine might like a big serving of this stuff. A note on the Wyeast: I'd thought you had to wait till it started looking like the Goodyear blimp before using it; around here, that takes 3 days or more after the Smack. This time, the yeast just sat there for the first couple days, and might have been declared brain-dead had I not had some yeast energizer on hand. Now, I resolve to always Smack just 24 hours before brew day. And the name? Well, the day before brewday, I bumped my head at work, and they took me to the staff nurse (yes, her name was Janet) and she treated me real nice... Jan, this Non-Bud's for you!


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 2.5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.032
Finishing Gravity: 1.010
Time in Boil: 70 min.
Primary Fermentation: 10 days



I discovered a neat tool for brewing - the coffeemaker. Take out the filter, and you can heat up your store-bought spring water in minutes! Heat up 1 gal. water in this way and put it into an enamel pot. Fill 1 or 2 cheesecloth bags with the grains and place them into that pot of water, and simmer for 30 minutes. Then transfer grain bags to a colander, and slowly pour 1/2 gal. hot water over them. (The poor man's sparger.^_^) Add malt extract and bring to a boil. 10 minutes into the boil, add hops, boil another 45 minutes, add Irish moss and boil 15 minutes more. When the boil is done, Cool the wort down, pour it into your fermenter, fill with enough water to reach the 2.5 gallon mark, add yeast and let time and biology do the rest.
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