Old Battie

Source: Mark Stevens
Recipe added: 11/19/97
Email: mstevens@anent.com

This is a recipe that I developed when writing a summary of the old ale style. The complete discussion of the style and how the recipe was developed are at: http://www.beerhunter.com/brewers/index30.html An excellent, comprehensive discussion of old ales and the elements that make a successful old ale recipe can be found in Ray Daniels article from the Winter 1996 issue (I think that's the right one...) of Zymurgy magazine. As always, comments welcome...


Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: about 1075
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 60 minutes+
Primary Fermentation: 7-10 days at 65-68 F
Secondary Fermentation: 1-2 weeks at 65-68 F
Additional Fermentation: Age several months, if desired, possibly in wood if you're adventurous



Mash grains using single-step infusion process at 155 degrees F. Sparge to kettle and boil for 75 to 90 minutes. Add brown sugar. Add 2 ounces of Goldings to boil for 1 hour. Add 1 ounce of Fuggles 15 minutes later. Force chill to 65 degrees and pitch yeast. Ferment 7-10 days at 65-68 degrees F. Rack to secondary fermenter and rest another 1-2 weeks. Prime and bottle or keg, as usual. To adapt this recipe for extract brewing, substitute 6.6 pounds of golden or light malt extract syrup and 2 pounds of light dry malt extract for the 11 pounds of pale malt. Steep the crystal and chocolate malts in steaming water, strain out grains, then add the extracts and the brown sugar. Proceed with the rest of the recipe as described.
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