Freak Haus Honey-Ginseng Amber

Source: Kevin Sanders
Recipe added: 01/19/98

Got this idea from Arizona's Honey-Ginseng Iced Tea - tried it out and it has a VERY interesting taste! Suprisingly, the ginseng doesn't overpower the taste of the brew, but adds a little of an earthy flavor. The ginseng root and extract can be purchased in various strength's - I used 10 yr. old ginseng root and normal strength extract. To prepare the ginseng root, simply put it in a bag and beat it with a hammer! The ginseng root was about $20 US. Extract will run $.75 to $1.50 a vial.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5
Starting Gravity: ???
Finishing Gravity: ???
Time in Boil: 110 mins.
Primary Fermentation: 7-10 days
Secondary Fermentation: 3-4 weeks



Steep crystal malt in 1 gallon of water for 30 minutes or until 180 degrees. Add Amber Extract, slow boil for 45 minutes. Combine 1.5 oz Hallertau and 8 oz Ginseng Root in a grain bag, boil for 15 minutes. Remove grain bag, add 2 cups Clover Honey and 6 vials Ginseng Extract, boil for 10 minutes. Add .5 oz Hallertau hops in grain bag, boil for 5 minutes. Add to 3.5 gallons cold water. Cool and pitch yeast. Allow 7-10 days primary fermentation, 3-4 weeks secondary fermentation, 3-4 weeks in bottles.
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