Marie's Raspberry Weizen
Source: Akula
Recipe added: 01/26/97
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5
Starting Gravity:
Finishing Gravity:
Time in Boil: 40 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 2 weeks
Secondary Fermentation: 2 weeks
- 0.5 lbs Cara-Pils
- 2 cups Honey (Raspberry if you can find it)
- 6 lbs Stone LME (65%/35% Wheat/Barley)
- 1.7 ozs Hallertau/Hersbrucker Hops (2.2%AA-3.8HBU)
- 0.25 ozs Mt. Hood Hops
- 0.25 tsp Irish Moss
- 4 ozs Raspberry Extract
- 1 cup Honey (Again, Raspberry...)
- 1 bag Weisenstaufehn (sp?) WYeast
Add 1 gallon water to brewpot. To water, add Cara-Pils
in a grain bag and bring to 155ish degrees (I use muslin
grain bags... They seem to work relatively well, and get
more water through them than nylon). Have homebrew. Hold
at this temperature for 30 minutes. Have more homebrew.
When the timer finally dings, remove from heat. Put grain
bag in your kitchen strainer, suspend over brewpot, and
run 1/2 gallon of water through it. Bring your (now appx.
2 gallons of...) wort back to a boil. Add honey, LME,
and boiling hops. Boil 40 minutes.
At 30 minutes, add your Mount Hood Hops.
At 38 minutes, add your Irish Moss.
Cool wort. Add to 2 1/2 gallons water in 6.5 gallon
(5 gallon will work with blow-off) carboy. Ferment 2
weeks. Rack to secondary. Two more weeks.
Bring Honey and 16 oz of water to a boil. Let steep for
15 minutes. Add to bottling bucket. Add extract to
bottling bucket. Siphon, bottle, enjoy in 3 days to a
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