Samhain Mead
Source: Morgan Pierceheart
Recipe added: 10/27/99
Resu;ts? Don't know yet, it's still going....
Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 us gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.176
Finishing Gravity: 1.003
Time in Boil:
Primary Fermentation: 2 weeks
Secondary Fermentation: 1.5 months
- 15 lbs of wildflower honey (primary fermentation)
- 6 lbs of wildflower honey (secondary)
- Acid:3 tsp blend, juice of 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
- Tannin: 2 tsps
- Wormwood tea: 1cup water, one tsp wormwood, steeped 5 min
- Nutrient: 4 tsps of Wteast nutrient
- Yeast: Wyeast 3347 Eau de vie (high gravity/alcohol tolerance)
Bring approximately 2.25 gallons of water to a boil, add 15 lbs, bring to a boil again and remove from heat as soon as boiling starts. Make up wormwood tea (it is NOT a dangerous substance...twitch, twitch) and crush pomegranate seeds into primary. Add seeds. Put all additives into wormowood tea and dissolve. Add to primary. Put 1 gallon of ice (plastic zipper bags previously frozen) into primary, add must. Get temp. to 75 degs. F (total volume in primary 4.5 gals)
Starter: grabbed one pint of must, added it to puffed smack pack. OOPS, did not reaseal primary, stayed open overnight. Possible wild yeast intrusion, minor mat on top of must, some out-gassing...decided against step up on yeast, added one pint starter. New yeast killed old stuff...
Rack off half gallon of must and mix in six lbs of honey to this. Add to secondary carboy, rack remaining must onto this.
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