Foggy Day's "Jumpin' Java Porter"

Source: David "DAsh" Ashley
Recipe added: 10/28/99

Friends and relatives are always requesting this brew when I ask for suggestions for the next batch. Done correctly, this likely will become your most popular homebrew, as well. I've found that 2 measuring cups espresso results in a whispered, "there's coffee in this beer," while 3 cups is almost kickmeintheb**ls! strong. 2.5 cups gives a nice, rounded flavor profile that will please anyone who likes porters and dark coffee. Aging is the key to this brew; don't succumb to the temptation to serve it before its time! Above all, enjoy!


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.059
Finishing Gravity: 1.015
Time in Boil: 1 hour
Primary Fermentation: yes
Secondary Fermentation: yes
Additional Fermentation: no



Crack the specialty grains; Partial mash with grain bag in 2 gal water at 155 F & hold for 45 min.; rinse grains into brewpot with 2 gal hot water, remove grains; bring to boil & add malt; bring to boil again and add Nrthrn Brewer hops; boil for 30 min.; add Irish Moss 20 min. from end of boil time; add Hersbrucker hops and boil 10 min.; add Cascade hops, honey and espresso, stir to disolve honey, cover and remove from heat; steep for 10 min. and chill. Strain to fermenter; add water to make 5 gal., pitch started yeast at 70 F; ferment @ 64-68 F. Bottle with 1/4 cup + 1 Tbs light honey. Age if at all possible for at least 4 months at 48-54 F. I know this takes patience, but truly... it will be well worth the extra wait. Brew something else that you can drink meantime.
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