Big Dicks Scottish Sting
Source: R Lonczynski
Recipe added: 03/25/97
I'm not entirely sure that this should be catagorized a Scottish Ale, but, since I used the yeast, here it is. The licorice is virtually un-noticable in the drinking, its only apparent in the wonderful head retention displayed by this brew. Black as night, but with a slightly sweet taste. Sweet enough that my wife likes it, but not so sweet as to disappoint the hop heads I've been known to associate with. This is the first recipe I've ever concocted myself, basically, it was born of the leftover supplies in my brew kitchen! None the less, I'm quite proud of the results, and would be honored if you give it a try. The liquid extracts were purchased from THE HOME BREWERY, contact them at for a catalog.
Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.056
Finishing Gravity: N/A
Time in Boil: :60
Primary Fermentation: 10 days
Secondary Fermentation: 11 days
- 5.5# Yellow Dog unhopped extract
- 3.3# Home Brewery light unhopped extract
- 2.0 oz Northern Brewers (8.5% Alpha)
- 1.0 oz Brewers Gold (7.6% Alpha)
- 1.0 oz Mt. Hood (4.3% Alpha)
- 2" Brewers licorice
- 0.5# crushed chocolate malt (338 lov.)
- 0.5# crushed roast barley (525 lov.)
- 1.0# crushed crystal malt (64 lov.)
- Wyeast #1728 Scottish Ale liquid yeast
- 1 pkg. Burton water salts
- 5.0 oz. corn sugar to prime
Now don't be scared away by the mention of a partial mash! All you do is combine the 3 crushed grains in a pot with a gallon of cool water. Raise the heat to 170 F while stirring. When this magical temperature is reached, remove the pot from the heat, cover it tightly and let it sit for 1/2 hour. Now, pout the whole lot into a collander, catching the run-off in your brewpot. Slowly rinse the grains in the collander with a half-gallon of 150 F water, catching this also in your brewpot. VOILA! Your partial mash is complete! Now, add the water salts, licorice stick and the 8.8# of extracts and bring the lot to a rolling boil. When the boil begins, add the 2.0 oz of Northern Brewers and the 1.0 os of Brewers Gold. Boil this whole beautiful boil for a full :60. Put 3 gallons of cooled, boiled water into a 6 gallon glass carboy, add your cooled wort, and top off to about 5.5 gallons. When you hit 70 - 75 degrees F, pitch your yeast starter. (OOPS! I forgot to mention the starter! Just follow the instructions on the package. You don't really have to make a starter, but I highly recommend it!). Attach a 1" blowoff tube and stand back! This ale took off very quickly and rather violently after a day or so! After 10 days in the primary, rack into a 5 gallon carboy into which you've already poured the 1.0 oz of Mt. Hood hops. After another 10 or so days, bottle as usual with the 5 oz of corn sugar. 10 more days of aging at room temperature and you can cool them down and pat yourself on the back! Well done!
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