Cats Meow 3
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Arizona Pale Ale

Arizona Pale Ale

Classification: pale ale, extract, oak chips

Source: Jim Volker, ( 03/01/95

As an Arizona resident, I wanted to create a brew compatable with the active lifestyles of myself and other 'Zonies'. Arizona Pale Ale characteristics: is a copper colored (for the Copper State), alchohol content does not impare outdoor activities, ale that is easily quaffable in the summer heat, act as a base recipe allowing other flavor elements to be added.

I have found this Ale is tasteful, alchohol is not prededominant like a full India Ale could be, the flavor of the Oak chips is in the background, and the mouth feel is not heavy. In short, it fits my guidelines. This recipe also serves as a starting point for other Ales.

I used hops for boiling (of course) and flavoring, not for aromatic qualities.



If using Victory malt, toasting is not neccessary since it already is. If not, use standard procedure for toasting grains--spread the grains on a cookie sheet in a preheated oven, cook at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

Combine all grains in a pot with 1 gallon water. I have found skipping a grain bag obtains a more intense color. Hold at 150 degrees for 30 minutes.

In another pot, heat water for sparging, 1 gallon should do. Sparge grains into the brew pot.

I fetched my water from a local Water Mart. This is Reverse Osmosis (RO) water, and could be too thin for a (India) Pale Ale. Thus, I add gypsum. I could have added Burton Water Salts at the expense of quaffability.

Boil wort for 1 hour. Add the Cascade hops and Irish Moss after the boil and for 5-10 minutes to sanatize, as well as obtain flavor instead of mearly imparting aroma.

I did not use a yeast started since the liquid American Ale yeast was less than one month old when purchased.

Age four weeks in the bottle.

Specific Gravities: