Corman XIPA

Source: Mike Williams
Recipe added: 12/19/98

This is just a little too dark (SRM 22 versus 14 max) for a true IPA; substitute light extract for amber if you're after a lighter beer. This one tasted good after 3 weeks in the bottle, but the hop aroma was a bit low. The name comes from the Roger Corman classic movie "X: The Man With X-Ray Eyes" that I saw for the first time while making this batch.


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1052
Finishing Gravity: 1013
Time in Boil: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 5-7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 10-14 days
Additional Fermentation: 3 weeks in the bottle



Steep crystal malt in 1 gallon 165F water for 30 minutes, then discard. Add remaining water, Chinook hops and extract; boil for 60 minutes. Add other hops as directed (I used all Saaz because I accidentally ordered too many and I wanted to use them up while they were fresh). You can skip the secondary fermentation if you're in a hurry, but give the dry hops at least a couple of days to do their thing after the primary fermentation settles down. Prime with the corn sugar.
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