Al's Ill Pizat Ale

Source: Alex Pamatat
Recipe added: 02/06/99

Transferred to secondary fermenter on 1/3/99; gravity at this time is 1.024; the beer has a nice bitterness to it and a pleasant hop aroma. Added boiled oak chips and 2 oz. of Cascade leaf to secondary. After racking into secondary and adding hops and oak chips the yeast really took off again and started fermenting vigorously; I replace the airlock with a blowoff tube for a few days after which the airlock was put back in. After a week in the bottle it is slightly carbonated. The beer has a strong oak flavor to it but is still very bitter and yummy. og - 1.060 fg - 1.012


Recipe type: Extract
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.060
Finishing Gravity: 1.012
Time in Boil: 60 minutes
Primary Fermentation: 5 Days
Secondary Fermentation: 26 Days



Hopping Schedule: 60 min. - 1 oz. Yakima Magnum Pellets 20 min. - 1 oz. Fuggles 15 min. - 1 oz. Cascade, 0.5 oz. Willamette 5 min - 0.5 oz. Willamette Turn off boil - 1 oz. Fuggles Dry hop - 2 oz. Cascade leaf
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