Caramel I.P.A.
Source: Steve Keeley
Recipe added: 02/18/99
Ale should come out a beautiful caramel brown in color, belieing it's classifcation as an IPA,but upon tasting it, it has all the characteristics of an IPA. I tasted it when bottling and it has a nice hop aroma,light to the nose, and a good IPA bitterness,not to strong. It also has a pleasant maltiness without being to heavy. Oak chips in the secondary might be a good addition for a more smoke tang but I think the ale is just fine without it due to the toasted malt.
Recipe type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5 gal.
Starting Gravity: 1.050
Finishing Gravity: 1.010
Time in Boil: 90 min.
Primary Fermentation: 5-7 days
Secondary Fermentation: 10-12 days
- 11# Klages 2 row malt
- 1# Briess Crystal malt 60L
- 0.5# Briess Victory malt (toasted)
- 1.5 oz. Northern Brewer leaf hops AA-9.1
- 0.5 zo. Kent Goldings leaf hops AA-5.4
- 1.0 oz. Cascade Pellet hops AA-6.1
- 0.5 oz. Fuggles Pellet hops AA-4.1
- 2 tsp. lactic acid (in sparge water)
- 4 tsp. Burton salts
- 1 tsp. Irish moss
- 1.5 C. Corn Sugar (bottle primer)
- White Labs Pitchable #WLP005 British Ale Yeast Liq.
Mash in: 4 gal. 160º water, bring back up to 120º, rest 5-10
min. Increase heat to 155º, rest 10 min. Increase heat to 165º & maintain for 45-50 min. for starch conversion. Mash out: 175º & cut heat. Drain & sparge with 170º water to reach 6.5 gallons of wort(don't forget the lactic acid in sparge water!). Bring wort to boil,add N.Brewer,K.Goldings,&
Burton salts after 15 min. of boil. Boil 30 min. more & add Irish moss & boil 30 min. more. Cut heat,add Cascade pellets and rest 15-20 min. Strain into primary fermenter,cool, pitch yeast. After 3 days of ferment add Fuggles pellets in muslin bag to ale. Follow ferment procedure above.
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