80 Love

Source: Richard Daines
Recipe added: 03/22/97
Email: rdaines@ctol.net
URL: http:www.ctol.net/~rdaines/

This is a great basic brown ale. The boys at work actually fight over the remaining bottles. It is moderately bitter (28 IBU) if you do a full wort boil, less so if you use a smaller boil volume. Alcohol is calculated at 4.8%. This recipe could be an all extract by substituting a second can of syrup in place of the 2-row grain.


Recipe type: Partial Mash
Batch Size: 5 gallons
Starting Gravity: 1.050
Finishing Gravity: 1.013
Time in Boil: 60
Primary Fermentation: 1 week
Secondary Fermentation: 1 week
Additional Fermentation: bottle conditioning



Do a partial mash with the 2-row, carapils, and crystal malt in 4 1/2 quarts of water. About 60 minutes at 150 F works fine. Sparge with 2 gallons of 165 F water. Bring wort up to 5 gallons and add remaining ingredients except for the Cascade hops. Bring to boil and add Northern Brewer. After 30 minutes, add 1 oz of cascade. Five minutes before the end of the boil add the remaining 1 oz cascade. Remove for heat and steep for 20 minutes. Cool and transfer to fermentation vessel. Add yeast starter and adjust volume.
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