Cats Meow 3
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Pale Ale

Classification: pale ale, all-grain

Source: Alex Jenkins ( Issue #57, 1/24/89

Notice that I screwed up the hops: Clusters are for bittering, and Willamette (or Fuggles) for aromatic.



Mash pale malt, crystal malt, and gypsum in 2-3/4 gallons of 170 degree water; this should give initial heat of 155 degrees (pH 5.0). Maintain temperature at 140-155 degrees for 2 hours. Sparge. To wort, add extract and brown sugar. Boil with Willamette hops. After 15 minutes add Hallertauer and Irish moss. Dry hop with clusters and steep. When cool, add wort to carboy and pitch yeast.

The posted recipe called for 4 pounds of dry extract with 2 cups reserved for priming. This seemed excessive and a good way to get exploding bottles, so we reduced the amount of extract to 3-1/2 pounds and assumed that standard priming techniques would be used, maybe replacing corn sugar with 3/4 to 1 cup of malt extract. ---Ed.
